Guoxiang CPPCC Working Committee investigates Suzhou YEEFUNG
2020-08-15 22:19:40


Under the normal situation of epidemic prevention and control, all members of the CPPCC Guoxiang went into the enterprise to truly understand the situation of the enterprise and the problems it faced, so as to provide the basis for the government's scientific decision-making! Today, under the leadership of secretary Jin Jianfeng, the working committee of the CPPCC Guoxiang conducted a survey on the development of our company this year. At the same time, the working committee of Guoxiang CPPCC held a July work meeting, which was presided over by Secretary Jin.

The general manager of Suzhou Yifeng Automation Technology Co., Ltd. reported to Secretary Jin and all CPPCC members the company's resumption of work and production this year and the challenges and problems faced by the enterprise under the normal situation of epidemic prevention and control, and also communicated with each other on the industrial situation.

The conference learned and understood the spirit of the third session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee. Through the study, the committee members could truly understand the spirit of the Central Committee, unify their thoughts, and let the CPPCC work focus on the overall promotion of normalized epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and implement the decisive goal of decisive battle, and actively put forward suggestions and widely reach consensus, so that members can do a solid job in the tasks of "six stabilities" and "six guarantees" in grass-roots work.

The meeting also discussed the scheme of Guoxiang Street CPPCC home, discussed and deliberated the "1 + 1" working contact system of Guoxiang Street CPPCC members and the "score assessment scheme of Guoxiang Street CPPCC members". Also took photos of members of the CPPCC house!

Finally, all members of the Committee visited Yifeng factory and all kinds of mechanical parking equipment in the plant, and expressed their appreciation for Yifeng's achievements in intelligent stereo parking equipment!

Thanks for the care and support of Guoxiang CPPCC Working Committee and all members to Suzhou Yifeng Automation Technology Co., Ltd! I believe that under the care of Guoxiang government, CPPCC Working Committee and all members, Yifeng in Suzhou will be better and better!

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